Our Impact

Kisaruni Girls Scholarships

In the Maasai Mara region of Kenya, few girls have the opportunity to pursue secondary education, routinely relegated to family chores and child rearing. The Hope and Chance Foundation began when we saw an opportunity to have an impact in the region. For our very first project, we sent girls, specifically, Angela Lemein Seremon and Miriam Chebet, to Kisaruni, the secondary school we had just visited. The girls come from extremely poor families, ones that could never afford to send their kids, particularly their girls, to school, without our help. We are proud to report that Angela and Miriam both graduated in 2018, maturing into inspiring, remarkable leaders in both their families and communities. We have continued to support the Kisaruni programming.


Maekong River Continuing Education Project, THailand

Children in the Mae Ai region of Thailand often do not continue their education past primary school, so we’re thrilled we have the opportunity to support girls striving to create better futures for themselves through education. Through the Hope and Chance Foundation, we support girls attending secondary schools in Mae Ai. We likewise fund all their supplies and transportation to schools that are outside of their specific villages.


Shining Stars ski experience

Julia has been an enthusiastic and competitive skier since living in Colorado at age six. As a result of this passion and her experience, the Hope and Chance Foundation supports bringing girls coping with the challenges of cancer to Aspen, Colorado, to experience a week of “getaway” and of learning to ski.


Ice Hockey in Harlem

Caroline has worked to expand the Hope and Chance Foundation’s ties to her home, the New York City community. As a competitive ice hockey player, she came across Ice Hockey in Harlem, an organization that offers children in the Harlem community the chance to participate in youth sports. The Foundation has provided resources that translate into both educational and athletic experience for the beneficiaries.



The Lower Eastside Girls Club breaks the cycle of poverty by training the next generation of ethical, entrepreneurial, and environmental leaders. Girls Club members overcome adversity, perceive opportunity, develop self-confidence, make ethical decisions and healthy life choices, thrive academically, embrace leadership, and have the ability to enter college or the workforce as fully prepared and connected adults. The Hope and Chance Foundation is thrilled to support a community center and organization that “connects girls and young women to healthy and successful futures.”


Girls Inc. focuses on the development of the whole girl. She learns to value herself, take risks, and discover and develop her inherent strengths. Long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment, and research-based programming equip girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers, and grow up healthy, educated, and independent. Girls Inc. also advocates for legislation and policies to increase opportunities and rights for all girls. The Hope and Chance Foundation is a Girls Inc. “Champion for Girls,” supporting an organization with a mission: “Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.”

Amazon rain forest girls club

The Hope and Chance Foundation supports the local, indigenous Kichwa people in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador. We support minga—a Kichwa word meaning “the coming together of people for the greater good.” We provide funding for girls’ clubs, teaching financial literacy, self-confidence, and other skills needed to become economically independent.

Well-Being Initiatives for adolescent girls

An estimated seventy percent of mental health problems have their onset during childhood or adolescence. The Hope and Chance Foundation has partnered with an umbrella organization to address and advance projects that increase social, emotional, physical, and mental well-being for adolescent girls.

Make it matter in Tanzania

Make It Matter is a social enterprise with a training and learning center that teaches young Tanzanian women so they can become financially independent. The teachers at the learning center equip young women with skills in carpentry, tailoring, weaving, embroidery, screen printing, and weekly well-being classes. After completion of training, Make It Matter supports the women in their search for employment or in establishing their own business. All of this is aimed to empower and uplift women. As Make It Matter states, “We apply creative design for female empowerment. Everything we do stems from the ultimate desire to change young women’s lives for the better.”